I have some love handles. 아랫배에 군살이 생겨.
May : I'm really worried about my weight. John : What makes you say that? May : I've gained too much weight recently. I must lose some. Could you recommend a good way to lose weight? John : Well, all I can say is that you don't have to be on a diet. You look good. May : I don't think so. I'd better stop eating meat and junk food. John : You hardly eat any meat! Who're you talking about? May : John, look at me. I have some love handles. John : You don't listen to me. Alright. Go on a diet!
* love handle : 아랫배의 군살. 구어체 영어로 남자가 사랑의 표시로 여자를 포옹할때 여자의 배 둘레를 감싸 안아주기 때문에 'love handle' 이란 말이 붙었다. * be worried about : ~으로 걱정하다, 염려스럽다 ex) I'm worried about his health. 그의 건강이 염려스럽다 * weight : 체중, 무게, 중력 * gain weight : 체중이 늘다, 살이찌다 ↔ lose weight: 체중이 줄다, 살이 빠지다 * recommend : 추천하다, 제시하다 * be on a diet : 식이요법을 하다, 규정식을 먹고 있다 * junk food : 인스턴트 식품, 칼로리는 높으나 영양가가 낮은 인스턴트 식품 |