Make hay while the sun shines. 기회는 있을 때 잡아야지.
you've been wanting to see. John : Wow! Really? When is it? May : This Friday at 6 pm! We can meet right after you finish work. John : Oh, no. I can't make it then. I've got to be in a meeting with the executives Friday. It's about a huge contract we've been working on. I'm sorry, May. May : Come on, John. Don't be such a wet blanket! I know that you really wanted to see this. John : I do! But I have to be there. If it works out well, I could get a promotion next month. We can go see the play next time… May : But, John, you always say that and next time never comes. You're still young. Make hay while the sun shines! John : That's what I'm saying, May. I really should take this opportunity or it won't come again!
you've been wanting to see. John : Wow! Really? When is it? May : This Friday at 6 pm! We can meet right after you finish work. John : Oh, no. I can't make it then. I've got to be in a meeting with the executives Friday. It's about a huge contract we've been working on. I'm sorry, May. May : Come on, John. Don't be such a wet blanket! I know that you really wanted to see this. John : I do! But I have to be there. If it works out well, I could get a promotion next month. We can go see the play next time… May : But, John, you always say that and next time never comes. You're still young. Make hay while the sun shines! John : That's what I'm saying, May. I really should take this opportunity or it won't come again! |