What are you in the mood for dinner? 저녁으로 뭘 먹고 싶어요?
May : What are you in the mood for dinner tonight? John : Well, I feel like eating some ethnic food. But there isn't a good ethnic restaurant in this area. What do you say we cook dinner instead of eating out? May : Sounds good with me. Actually I learned how to cook Sugebi from my friend the other day. Do you want me to try that? John : Okay...do you want me to find a recipe by any chance? We could get it off the internet. May : Don't worry! It's one of my favorite Korean foods. I'll make up a nice fresh salad as well. Hurry on over!
* be in a mood : “~을 하고 싶은 기분이다”의 의미. * What are you in a mood for~? = What do you feel like~? * ethnic food : 민속(토속) 음식, 보통은 다른 나라의 전통 음식을 말할 때 쓰임 * recipe : 조리법 * get it off the internet : Internet 에서 (정보 따위를) 가져 오다 * What do you say?: '어떻게 생각하세요?' 라고 물을 때 쓰는 말 = How do you .like it?과 같은 표현. * make up : 만들다 * Hurry on over : 빨리 이리로 오세요.