Beauty is only skin-deep 미모는 거죽 한 꺼풀
May: John, do you think appearance is important? John: Well, sometimes. Could be more important for women, I guess. Why do you ask? May: My friend Jane is having a hard time getting the job she wants. And she thinks it's because of how she looks. John: Hum. What kind of jobs does she apply for? May: She's really interested in hotel promotion work but apparently some people think the PR managers have to have charming looks. John: I understand why some people would think that way though. Because she represents the hotel sometimes. Right? May: No! She's not a model. She doesn't have to be beautiful to do her job. Actually having a good personality should be more important for that position. I think she's beautiful in that sense. John: You're right May. Beauty is only skin-deep.
* appearance : (물건의) 외관, 겉보기; (사람의) 용모, 풍모. * a person of neat ~ 말쑥한 차림의 사람. * apply for : <사람이> (사물을) 신청하다(for …), 지원하다; (…에) 의뢰하다, 문의하다(to ) * promotion: 조성, 촉진, 장려 ex) •~s for cosmetics 화장품 선전 팜플렛. * Beauty is only skin-deep : (속담) 외모는 거죽 한꺼풀 - Beauty is but skin deep. |