He's such a wet blanket. 그 사람은 분위기 깨는 데는 선수야.
John : May, do we need to buy anything else? May : No, everything's set now. The food should be enough and we've got enough bottles of beer here. I guess we're okay. John : How many people are we having tonight? May : Well, I invited all of our friends including Tommy, so that'll make about 12. John : You said you wouldn't invite Tommy because he's a party-pooper. May : Yeah, I thought he would be no fun. But I felt bad afterwards. I mean he's such a wet blanket but he's not a bad guy. John : I guess you're right.
* afterwards : 나중에 * party-pooper: 파티 등에서 분위기를 깨는 사람. pooper는 구어로 '바보, 얼간이'를 의미. * wet blanket = A person who brinks everyone down : 다른 사람의 흥을 깨는 사람, 남의 행위에 찬물을 끼얹는 사람 |